Poached Egg

The Poached Egg

The Poached Egg, a resource provided by the Ratio Christi Campus Apologetics Alliance, is where Christian apologetics, culture, discipleship, evangelism, history, philosophy, science, theology, and culture collide to help guide believers, seekers, and skeptics alike to the Ultimate Source of Truth and a better understanding of the Christian worldview. Founder and editor Greg West is passionately committed to the cause of Christian apologetics; The Poached Egg is a large and continually expanding virtual library of articles and essays compiled from all over the World Wide Web. Noted apologists, biblical scholars, philosophers, scientists, historians, students, and laymen all come together under this one site. Taking its name from the famous C.S. Lewis quote from, Mere Christianity: “A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would…      read more >>>
